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A. a utilization analysis E) market. C. In developing job specifications, considering all elements of KSAOs is unimportant. A) predeparture phase. Job analysis defines the organization of jobs within a job family. D) internship. B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. B. a compressed workweek Egalitarian pay structures have all BUT which of the following characteristics? This in turn helps the organization retain valuable employees. which of the following is a computer application that can be used to provide skills training and expert advice? The industrial engineering approach is most likely to emphasize _____. Which of the following job design techniques involving the addition of decision-making authorities to a job is credited to Frederick Herzberg? E. Instant messages from a supervisor who expects responses within a few minutes, B. Which of the following stages in the training design process involves self-management strategies and peer and manager support? All the details including the amount of washing liquid to use for each type of car are clearly specified. B) having basic skills. E. assesses the relative dollar value of each job to an organization. B. All of the following are true of an organization with a loyal soldier HR strategy except: Will focus on developing skills needed for high level service and innovation. E. job extension, Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? B. job extension A. Telecommuting may support a strategy of corporate social responsibility. Steve contends that a manager conducting a job analysis is required not only to define jobs when they are created but also to detect changes in jobs. D. job enlargement Marjorie has been given the task of conducting job analyses and creating job descriptions for the site engineers. E) It involves identifying the knowledge and skills required for the job. A. the Cognitive Dissonance Model Which of the following is true about the use of massive open online courses? A) develop a list of tasks performed on the job. D) attitude surveys. D) It involves determining the business appropriateness of training. E) conditions for learning. E. A telework arrangement is difficult to set up for people in managerial, professional, or sales jobs. Which of the following most likely corresponds to the task undertaken by Jenny? Which of the following is true of apprenticeship? D) to commit training content to memory. B) Calculating the total savings C) Identifying the outcomes Which of the following statements is a fact about telecommuting that would support implementing this policy? In this case, MXB is most likely using the: _______ refers to determining the intervals on a measurement instrument. C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle. Applying industrial engineering makes jobs more dynamic. Uses of Job Analysis It generates data that managers can use to defend their decisions when challenged Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of aligned pay structures? B. penalizing companies that allow employee participation in ergonomic redesign -A reasonable proportion of the work force is employed in this job. The first step in task analysis is to A) Internship increasing incentive pay and decreasing base pay. A. WebA) It is an informal learning approach initiated by employees. In the context of the impact of internal structures, which of the following statements is true? obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source. Mark should take care to avoid including the titles of the jobs while formulating new job descriptions. C) The level of interaction between trainees and trainers is high. C) communicating why employees were asked to attend training. A) Person E) returning-home phase. In the context of a work flow analysis, the interior designers, manufacturers, and home dcor products required to provide interior design services collectively constitute the _____. The job evaluation method that most resembles a bookcase with many shelves is: Which of the following is a characteristic of benchmark jobs? C. Industrial engineering will make jobs less specialized and less repetitive. In JSA, the ultimate goal is to identify potential hazards in every step of a process This method relies on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. A) Ensuring that employees have product knowledge Employees are required to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and can choose additional hours before or after this period. C. They are only applicable to middle managers of an organization. A. job analysis C. ergonomic Industrial engineering will eliminate the need for specialization in the job. The ____ method of job evaluation uses compensable factors. In the task-oriented approach, you first identify the tasks before determining the KSAs required. E. external job analysts. D. This method allows people with very basic reading skills to fill out the questionnaire. Recently, Leeding has decided to create a division for the flexible fuel field. DigiAd Inc., an advertising firm, requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. B) repatriate James says, "I don't trust the way the company determines pay rates in my department." The PAQ is more effective than the task-oriented approach. The results indicated that a majority of its support staff considered their jobs to be monotonous. D. retroactive overtime A. subject-matter experts C. Its employees have a significant level of proficiency required to perform a particular task. They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. E) Learning management. E) It is the support that trainees give one another to discuss their progress. B) It is a verbal agreement that emphasizes the goals of training. D) Information analysis The doctrine was an effort to end the economic and social chaos resulting from the death of one-third the pop. Which of the following statements is true of work flow analysis? B. broad responsibilities are assigned to employees working in a functional department. B. Incumbents provide accurate estimates of the importance of job duties, whereas supervisors provide accurate information about the time spent on safety-related risk factors. Identify a true statement about the verification process in this approach. C. Outputs may be tangible or intangible products of the work processes. B. training employees to multitask between different job responsibilities It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. D) pretest only with comparison group Which of the following is an example of effective onboarding? C. employees in functional departments tend to identify more with their own departments. A) It involves determining the cause for performance deficiency-lack of skill or a training issue. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. B. fringe benefits of a job Which of the following processes involves analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service? Aaron assesses the significance of each job to the organization, which helps him set up fair pay structures. E. They are only created for different occupational groups in an organization. B) compliance. A. increased efficiency If the responsibility factor scores a 60 after multiplying the subfactors with their corresponding weights, and if the skill factor has two subfactors that are rated as 4 and 5, what is the total weightage given to the job? B) Apprenticeship Reducing the number of levels in the organization's job structure, perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of pay structure, results of the procedures of the pay structure, all players will play better in the first tournament, where the prize differentials are larger, the systematic method is used to decipher pay when it is on performance for two different jobs, a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job - a word picture. E) Avoiding informal interactions between new and current employees, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, RD exam- Domain 1 B. D. The term stands for knowledge, skill, adaptability, and other characteristics. Option 1. The employees face few challenges already. D. Industrial engineering will provide measurable and practical benefits. A) On-site phase B. the Situational Leadership Model Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. Participant Observation Technique E) third country national. E) Simulation. D) repatriation. D. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved C. utilization analysis D. salary and allowances D) It is the support that trainers offer to employees to transfer training to the job. A. C. job design which of the following is a disadvantage of the point method? To do this, which of the following should Dave define? C. Employees telecommuting may have greater absences from work. C) clearance. WebA job analysis is a systematic approach to determine what a person actually does in his or her job. D. a combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis E. job rotation, A list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails is called a _____. WebIt consists of nine natural ingredients that support prostate health and the men's urinary as well as bladder system.Following the brand claims, this supplement has the ability to maintain the health of your prostate and entire urinary system, which is true and effective for everyone. C) task If a training program focuses primarily on ensuring that employees have product or service knowledge, it is taking the strategic initiative to They are the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. B) Cost analysis The septum pellucidum is a thin membrane that separates the two lateral ventricles in the brain. A) top management support A) apprenticeship. D. telework D) Quality assessment ________ is on-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training. B. C. employees in functional departments tend to identify more with their own departments. C) expatriate His supervisor noticed that his performance was declining. C. the type of products that will need to be manufactured. A) Person analysis A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics, reveals the actual work performed and its purpose or outcome, a copyrighted, standardized job analysis questionnaire that can be used for just about any job Today's workplace is more or less inflexible and is not constantly subject to change. N-Pax Technology Corp., a microchip manufacturing company, is hiring for the position of marketing manager for its new division. B. WebPeter's true motivation is the challenge of delivering an error free, well performing system to the customer. A) Learning management system E. job standardization. Pamela, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives her staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. He has always wanted to come to the United States and cannot wait to become a citizen. C) Task B) Skill-based A) the foreign employees. E) Computer-based instructions have made instructor-led classroom instruction obsolete. ) D. Job descriptions contain detailed specifications of the tasks involved in carrying out each duty. A. While doing so, Henry gathers information about the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required for an engineer to successfully perform the job. Which of the following is true of telework arrangements? A) They provide limited opportunities for trainees to relate to actual jobs. Following its successful implementation, which of the following outcomes should he expect? B) Traditional classroom instruction is one of the most expensive methods of training. D) Dividing benefits by costs B) It is the support system built by an organization to support knowledge transfer. These include raw materials, information, human resources, and _____. B) to gain insights by working on the job directly. C) develop the skills required to complete the task and return home. Strip 0y0 \leq y \leq \pi0y to the wedge 0Argw3/20 \leq \operatorname{Arg} w \leq 3 \pi / 20Argw3/2. B) Interpersonal She feels that she has reached the highest level for her job and can now rest and relax, since she knows how to be an administrative assistant. E. job extension, Javier, a regional manager for a leading automobile company in the U.S., decides to design a manufacturing job based on the principles of industrial engineering. E) confirm the tasks that are to be performed on the job. the difference between use and exchange value, 19th century theory - employers do in fact pay use value, Supported the existing class structure. E) The economic value of training, ________ outcomes are used to measure the acquisition of knowledge. Job descriptions focus on the qualities or requirements a person performing a job must possess. It orders the jobs in the company on the basis of the least important job to the most important job. E. periodic bonuses. The U.S. federal government has developed a step-by-step approach to conducting conventional job analysis. B) Cost D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy E. the Position Analysis Questionnaire. D) the employee's family. E. A person who fills out the PAQ does not need college-level reading skills. Samcys Services Inc. specializes in providing round-the-clock building security services to multinational companies. Mark should amend the original job descriptions to say they all will eventually take on flexible fuel responsibilities. From a job design perspective, why is this aspect of work flow an appropriate one for a hospital to focus on? B. supervisors A. D) Audiovisual training To do so, Anthony would most likely have to ______. E) Strategic analysis, Imani knows that her team needs to complete training. B. support staff being trained in front-office functions through periods of alternating work arrangements WebTrue or false: The job content identified by job analysis is used to describe and evaluate work. During this time, Mark, the HR manager, has been reviewing and updating job descriptions. Competency modeling is a more scientific approach and job analysis is not as relevant anymore. D) repatriation phase. Which of the following is true of knowledge management? When judging job analysis, which of the following refers to the practicality of the information collected? Alex, the HR manager, has been asked to help plan for the creation of the new unit. A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. WebThe fundamental components of a systematic process to develop training are: Needs assessment, design and delivery, and evaluation of training. Phil, a management trainer at Flint Inc., designs a training program that focuses on capturing insights and information from knowledgeable employees. D) Course topics are primarily focused on science and technology. Common bases for modern pay structures include all BUT which of the following? WebJob evaluation is the process of: A. finding qualified candidates to fill job vacancies. C. increase the amount of reporting requirements and documentation A work-study training method that uses both on-the-job training and classroom training is called B) MOOC training. B) the parent country supervisor. E. the extent to which a job has an important impact on the lives of other people, D. the degree to which a job requires completing a "whole" piece of work from beginning to end, According to the Job Characteristics Model, _____ refers to the job characteristic that reflects the degree to which a job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work is carried out. B) team It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to perform a job. A) Determining the training costs Ursula wants to evaluate her training. A. A) Technical A. B. career planning A) Expenses in the form of travel costs are high. In this case, Gina is most likely to be working in a job that requires her to: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. Which of the following would be a benefit to the company if it plans on applying industrial engineering to existing jobs? B. flextime ALTS Infosystems is a software consulting firm based in Redmond. Natalie, a manager at a construction company, contends that applying industrial engineering is the simplest way to structure work and maximize efficiency. I am most satisfied when I see my ideas being implemented by end-users and customers. E) culture. C. Job specifications look at a job's activities, and job descriptions look at the qualities needed to do the job. E) Strategic, Collin was hired to work on data analytics, but once he started, the job quickly changed to project management. C) It is a written document that ensures training transfers to the job. E. Use of checklists will limit the amount of memorization and information required by a surgical team. Among the available job positions are those of system administrators and chief technology officer. What are the parts of the vulva called, and where are they located in relation to each other? D) Motivation A) preparation for home assignment. Which of the following is true of a support network in training? C) It is a system that expects employees to understand the entire work process. It assigns 20 percent weight to responsibility and 80 percent weight to skill. A. C. This method cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. Team members usually share work assignments. D) connection ________ analysis involves determining the business appropriateness of training, given the company's business strategy. An investigation reveals that employees feel dissatisfied and mentally fatigued due to the challenging nature of their jobs. D. Give employees more authority to manage the production process. A. use of multiple analysis methods to obtain a detailed job analysis This is true. They identify and describe a few competencies required for success in a particular occupation or set of jobs. C. the Job Characteristics Model E. decreased specialization. A. KSAOs are characteristics of people and are not directly observable. C. People imagine jobs to be unstable, whereas jobs actually do not change or evolve over time. C. job enrichment B. C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. A) to understand opportunities for practice. D) It is a system that requires employees to E) They offer participants many opportunities for synchronous interaction. C. Mark should wait until the new employees are hired before creating the new job descriptions. D. Searches for office supplies that generate 12,000 results to compare WebThe meaning of job analysis is the practice of gathering and analyzing details about a particular job, such as responsibilities, day-to-day duties, hard and soft skills, qualifications, education, expected outcomes, interaction, performance standards, work conditions, physical abilities and supervision. B. A) pretest only D) This method of training is ideal for presenting only old facts and existing knowledge. A. job rotation WebJob analysis provides a way to develop this understanding by examining the tasks performed in a job, the competencies required to perform those tasks, and the connection between the tasks and competencies. Marjorie has joined the HR department of Thomas Johnson Inc. as an intern. A) Anyone with an Internet connection can participate in them. C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. Given the company's structure, which of the following qualities will be important for the new vice president to possess? C) identify the jobs to be examined. The First Amendment normally protects statements of opinion, and this can be an effective defense against a charge of defamation. C. the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself Jacob works at PrimeClean Corp., a carwash company. A. job evaluation A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. D) pretest only with comparison group C. job rotation It is a work option that allows full-time employees to choose start and end times within the guidelines specified by an organization. A. job evaluation Explain. D. Team members do not have to perform a wide variety of tasks, and they view their effort as significant. Brianna and Natalie are planning an e-commerce company for business travelers. Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. As the company weighs the pros and cons of distance learning, which of the following should they keep in mind? C) interviews. E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job, E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job. A. KSAOs will show engineers the work to be performed on the job. C) Conceptual C) A majority of learners complete the course certification component. D. B. D. KSAOs will enable line managers to carry out job analysis. Blake wanted Dominic to learn how to create expanded spreadsheets with complicated filters and formulas. The last step in task analysis is to Errors in job analysis have multiple sources, but most result from outdated job descriptions. B) The classroom method D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. E) focus groups. D. the Fleishman Job Analysis Model E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. D) The hands-on method Which of the following most likely relates to the task undertaken by Aaron? D) They are inexpensive to develop and maintain. A. KSAOs are characteristics of people and are not directly observable. B. ________ looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers. D) U.S. citizen working for a U.S. firm in Germany. What is the validity of Steve's argument? C. job training C) The distance learning method E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. B. B. C) for program coordination and administration. Its research department attracts some of the most talented professionals in these disciplines, each with a passion for his or her specialty. The organization plans on giving all newly hired site engineers copies of their job descriptions to help them understand what the organization expects of them. A) Trainees are active participants in preparing the training module. C. skill in setting up structures and jobs _______ refers to the process by which a decision is reached: the right to an attorney, the right to an impartial judge, and the right to receive a copy of the arresting officer's statement. E. to decrease the impact a job has on the lives of other people, A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting, Creations Media Inc., a publishing company, conducted an internal survey on employee satisfaction. Samcys selects security guards, conducts background checks, provides them with uniforms and training, and schedules guards to patrol and monitor security at clients' facilities. A. A. A) share employees' performance appraisal information with them. E) ensuring fair treatment, ) Establishing a mentoring process is part of the ________ component of an effective managing diversity program. ______ are more likely to conduct job evaluations of senior management jobs, A job description is compared to class descriptions in the _____ of job evaluation. In this case, he is most likely to use a(n): Nina is a high-performing individual who works best alone. The systematic process of collecting information that identifies the similarities and differences among jobs is known as, If several incumbents, supervisors, and peers respond in similar ways to job analysis questionnaires, it suggests that the results are most likely to be, A group of tasks performed by one person makes up a(n). It measures only the inputs of a work process. B. The last step in an effective onboarding process is Simplifying work is especially important when jobs are challenging and employees are poorly trained. A Job Description B Role Analysis C Job Summary D Job Specification Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) Was this answer helpful? With the knowledge that a new division of jobs will be created, what would be the appropriate course of action for Mark to take next? (T/F) External Competitiveness. It applies exclusively to similar job profiles. Kelly, the production manager, works with a human resource consultant to design a new work flow for the production unit. This fuels the work we do around the world and inspires our mission to improve the She has identified the amount of time and the software needed by doing a(n) ________ analysis. It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. E. job orientation. E. Mark should reuse the old job descriptions for the new jobs, instead of creating new ones. Why? The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. D. Simplifying the mental demands of the jobs may enable a hospital to replace high-priced physicians with technicians. It is the process of getting detailed information about jobs. A. He does not understand that he is a(n) ________, not a permanent citizen. B) improve employee engagement. Which of the following options would be a way to simplify the mental demands of employees' jobs? Sam was just promoted to be the administrative assistant to the chief executive officer. D) Geographically dispersed audiences cannot be reached.