lmu informatik master module

Within this time frame, 120 ECTS points have to be achieved. Die Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltungen umfassen u.a. Home Page Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München LMU Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich LMU The topic may be suggested by the student or by the supervisor, but needs to be agreed upon by the supervisor. Sprechstunden, Aushänge, Änderungen des Lehrangebots, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Institut für StatistikLudwigstraße 3380539 MünchenInternet: www.statistik.lmu.de, Inhaltliche und spezifische Fragen des Studiums, Studienaufbau, Stundenplan, fachliche Schwerpunkte, Ansprechpartner der Fachstudienberatung Master Data Science:www.m-datascience.mathematik-informatik-statistik.uni-muenchen.de/contact, Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche, Studienfächer und Studiengänge von A bis Z, (Weitere Informationen zu Gebühren und Beiträgen), Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung – aber Eignungsprüfung. MSc Data Science@LMU: Overview of Modules Page 2 of 5 Informatics: Knowledge Discovery and Big Data Management (core module) Semester 1–2, 12 ECTS Prof. Schubert Type 2 courses, each consisting of a lecture and a tutorial: 1. As far as the number of citations, a further important metric, is concerned Computer Science at LMU holds 4th place out of 50, and thus has the top position in Bavaria by a large margin. Informationen des Instituts für Informatik zum Masterstudiengang. Michael Spadafora, PT, DScPT, CMPT, has joined the faculty of the Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program effective Jan. 4, 2021. Students learn statistical and computational methods for collecting, … The LMU Bulletin maintains the most complete list of English Course Descriptions. E 001Tel. As a rule of thumb, 4 slots per semester will be provided. Fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung zu diesem Masterstudiengang ist der Nachweis eines berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschlusses oder eines gleichwertigen Abschlusses aus dem Inland oder Ausland in einem mindestens sechssemestrigen Studiengang der Fachrichtung Informatik oder eines verwandten Faches. Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren geregelt (Bewerbungsfristen: 15. Please read all information about each step carefully. Das Studium kann im Winter- und Sommersemester begonnen werden. The normal period of study for the Master’s Programme is four semesters (two years). The elite program Data Science is an interdisciplinary program and is carried out jointly by the Department of Statistics and the Institute for Informatics at LMU Munich. Weitere Informationen und Bewerbungsportal:http://www.ifi.lmu.de/studium/master-studiengaenge/master-informatik. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Studienganges wird ein Diploma Supplement ausgestellt. The courses offered by the Faculty of Physics are included in the LMU's overall catalog of courses, which is available both in print and online. At some universities you have to do a four-year honours degree in order to go on to a master's degree. Module WP3: Cognition, Emotion, Learning, and Development (12 ECTS) offers an intensive discussion of up-to-date research findings and methods in one of the four relevant fields (cognition, emotion, learning, or development). The elite program Data Science is an interdisciplinary program and is carried out jointly by the Department of Statistics and the Institute for Informatics at LMU Munich. Ziel des Studiums ist es, Grundlagen des Faches Informatik in theoretischer, praktischer und anwendungsorientierter Hinsicht zu vermitteln. LMU offers 60 major and 55 minor undergraduate degrees and programs, 39 master's degree programs. The master's degree programs within the Systems Engineering and Engineering Management department offer real-world industry experience while you heighten your engineering education. For each successfully completed module, a student earns credits based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). 4 more The maximum period is six semesters (three years). 4 05.11.2020: We updated the module information for further clarification with respect to the study regulations. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2. The requirements for admission may vary for different master courses. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Studienganges wird ein Diploma Supplement ausgestellt. Der Master Informatik ist auf 4 Semester angelegt (Höchststudiendauer: 7 Semester) und baut auf einem Bachelor in Informatik (oder in einem verwandten Fach) auf. Computer Science majors study information and computation as expressed in natural systems including biological processes, economic systems, social networks, and the physical universe, through the development of artificial systems such as digital devices and computer software. The program is part of and is supported by the Elite Network of Bavaria. Big Data Management Methodological as well as practical modules.Courses on data security, data confidentiality, and data ethics.Training of transferable skills.Close cooperation with industrial partners. Dr. Reinhold Letz (Studiengangskoordinator)Oettingenstr. The following documents and information must be uploaded or entered directly in our online application tool during the application period:. LMU Master in Business Administration This is a consecutive two-year, full-time programme. Now, this course can also be recognized as a Praktikum (P5) for (Medien-)Informatik master students. Upon graduation our students are well prepared for a career as a data scientist in the private or public sector in fields such as applied economics, political science, sociology, education, medicine, public policy, and media research. English Course Descriptions Fall 2018. Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de This document describes each course being taught in Fall 2018 in some detail and indicates which requirements each course can fulfill. 02.11.2020: We just finished the first introduction session, there is a homework document, please check it on our GitHub repository. /* * A dictionary type. The programs are designed to support your career advancement as you strengthen your … 39 80333 MünchenSprechzeiten und Kontakt:www.lmu.de/studium/administratives/pruefungsaemter/naturwissenschaften/, Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche, Studienfächer und Studiengänge von A bis Z, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik, (Weitere Informationen zu Gebühren und Beiträgen), Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung – aber Eignungsprüfung. Students learn statistical and computational methods for collecting, managing, and analysing large and complex data sets and how to extract knowledge and information from these data sets. LMU offers 43 master's degree programs, 13 credential programs, one education doctorate, one juris doctorate and one doctorate in juridical science. We look forward to your application! 6780538 MünchenInternet: www.ifi.lmu.de, Inhaltliche und spezifische Fragen des Studiums, Studienaufbau, Stundenplan, fachliche Schwerpunkte, Priv.-Doz. die folgenden Themenbereiche: Eine Liste der konkreten Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen findet sich auf folgender Seite:http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~letz/informationen-master.shtml. Es sind insgesamt 120 ECTS-Punkte zu erwerben, die wie folgt aufgeteilt sind: 72 ECTS: Wahlpflichtvorlesungen; 12 ECTS: Praktika 6 ECTS: Seminare; 30 ECTS: Masterarbeit und Disputation Fachsemester. Je nach Wahl der Vertiefungsmodule, des Praktikumsthemas und des Themas der Masterarbeit wird ein eher anwendungsorientierter oder ein forschungsorientierter Abschluss angestrebt. Die Aufnahme des Studiums setzt die Teilnahme an einem Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren voraus. LMU’s School of Education offers fully accredited Master’s, credential and certificate programs, as well as a Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice. Anmerkung: Ein-Fach-Masterstudiengang mit 120 ECTS. Die Universität erhebt für das Studentenwerk München den Grundbeitrag in Höhe von 75 Euro sowie den Solidarbeitrag Semesterticket in Höhe von 69,40 Euro. The duration of the master’s program in Informatics is four semesters. Guide to Master Studies for International Students at LMU Step 1: Applying for admission to the appropriate Master Studies Office You need to locate and contact the appropriate Master Studies Office of LMU. There are no tuition fees for the LMU Master in Business Administration but LMU charges a basic semester fee and an additional fee for the semester ticket. Das Studium kann nur im Wintersemester begonnen werden. This was verified by the current independent ranking of all computer science faculties in Germany by the Society of Computer Science (Informatik-Spektrum24(4)). Home; Courses; Fakultäten; 16 Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik Fachsemester. http://www.m-datascience.mathematik-informatik-statistik.uni-muenchen.de/index.html, www.m-datascience.mathematik-informatik-statistik.uni-muenchen.de/index.html, www.m-datascience.mathematik-informatik-statistik.uni-muenchen.de/contact, Weiterführendes Studium mit berufsqualifizierendem Abschluss. The division of Neurobiology at the LMU Biocenter offers practical courses (3 ECTS) for a limited number of MSc Biochemistry students and you need to take part in one of these two-week block courses. Within four semesters you have to reach 120 ECTS points. Dies umfasst insbesondere Methoden zur Lösung von Anwendungsproblemen und deren Umsetzung in computergerechte Form. The selection procedure for the Master of Science program in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics consists of four steps. The curriculum of the elite master program Data Science is a modularised study program. The first course looks into methodological questions of data anonymisation and technical aspects of data security. ()Informatik. more. Data Science is the science of extracting knowledge and information from data and requires competencies in both statistical and computer-based data analysis. You must apply for admission to this office directly. Beim Masterstudiengang "Data Science" handelt es sich um einen Ein-Fach-Masterstudiengang, bei dem keine Nebenfächer studiert werden. Bitte wegen einer Überprüfung der fachlichen Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen Kontakt zum Fach aufnehmen! Der forschungsorientierte Abschluss qualifiziert insbesondere für eine Promotion und eine akademische Karriere, der anwendungsorientierte Abschluss qualifiziert ebenfalls für eine Promotion, aber eher im industriellen Bereich. Allgemeine Informationen für Masterstudierende / General Information for Master students (pdf, 101 KB) Example for module composition (pdf, 39 KB) Sample master plan (excel, 52 KB) Please prepare a separate sheet for each semester. The program also comprises courses on data security, data confidentiality, and data ethics. For the elite master program in Data Science we contribute to the following courses: Core module in Informatics, part I: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (winter) Core module in Informatics, part II: Big Data Management and Analytics (summer) Individual module in Informatics: … If your online application is successful you will be invited to an interview. The University of Munich (LMU), the University of Evry (UEVE) and the University of Bologna (UNIBO) jointly offer an integrated study program called International Master in Business Mathematics, which enables students from the three universities to study abroad for a period of one or two semesters at the partner universities. Westchester Main Campus; 1 LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2700; Downtown Law Campus; 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213.736.1000; Playa Vista Campus Der Studiengang entspricht den von der EU-Kommission definierten "Key Features" des ECTS. Studienaufbau / Module Im Gegensatz zum Bachelorstudiengang besteht das Studium des Master fast ausschließlich aus Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen. Spadafora will serve as the assistant professor of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy for the new program set to welcome its first class in May 2021 at LMU-Knoxville. Applicants need to provide evidence of knowledge in Data-based modelling: this includes, for example, statistics, data mining, probability theory, machine learning (at least 30 ECTS or equivalent); and Computational Methods: this includes, for example, informatics, database-oriented methods, computational statistics, optimisation procedures (at least 30 ECTS or equivalent). Master Program Structure. The program is part of and is supported by the Elite Network of Bavaria. : +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 9693E-Mail: reinhold.letz@lmu.deSprechzeiten: www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~letz, Prüfungsangelegenheiten, Prüfungsanmeldung, Semesteranrechnungsbescheide, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenPrüfungsamt Naturwissenschaften InnenstadtTheresienstr. The program also comprises courses on data security, data confidentiality, and data ethics. See all courses. The study units in the Master programs are divided into modules consisting of thematically related lectures, seminars, and practical exercises. Students learn statistical and computational methods for collecting, managing, and analysing large and complex data sets and how to extract knowledge and information from these data sets. Other highlights are the practical modules in which students will tackle real-world problems in cooperation with industrial partners, as well as summer schools and tutorials, and the DataFest. Unique Profile One of the most outstanding features of the LMU Master’s programme is the freedom of choice offered within the five competency fields covered by the faculty. Die Wahl eines Nebenfachs ist nicht möglich. Neben Fähigkeiten wie mathematischem und logisch-analytischem Denken sowie den Grundlagenkenntnissen der englischen Sprache sind für das Studium der Informatik die folgenden Fähigkeiten von Vorteil: die Neigung zu genauem und gründlichem Arbeiten; Abstraktionsfähigkeit und Flexibilität (bei der Suche nach Ansätzen zur Problemlösung); Zähigkeit und Durchhaltevermögen (bei der Entwicklung von Problemlösungsverfahren); Aufgeschlossenheit und Kommunikationsfähigkeit (für das Arbeiten in Teams). Notice how you compile the module only once, but you can declare many variables of the exported type. Datenbanksysteme (Anfragebearbeitung und Indexstrukturen, Knowledge Discovery, temporale, räumliche und Multimedia-Datenbanken), Softwareengineering (Methoden,  formale Techniken, spezielle Anwendungsgebiete). Other highlights of the program are the summer schools and the focused tutorials. Die Informatik ist die Wissenschaft von der systematischen Verarbeitung von Informationen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf deren automatischer Verarbeitung mit Hilfe von Rechenanlagen. The curriculum of the elite master program Data Science is a modularised study program. Januar für das darauf folgende Sommersemester  und 15. Erasmus students, who do not intend to take 100% of their courses in one department of LMU, must choose at least 50% of their course modules from the department with which their home university has an Erasmus bilateral agreement.. LMUexchange students must choose at least 50% of their course modules from one department only.. Erasmus and LMUexchange students should take the other 50% … Anmerkung: Ein-Fach-Masterstudiengang mit 120 ECTS. The curriculum of the elite master program Data Science is a modularised study program. Past Course Descriptions. Students develop the skills to discuss current theories, research methods, and application aspects in their chosen specialisation field. Der Studiengang entspricht den von der EU-Kommission definierten "Key Features" des ECTS. Module WP3: Cognition, Emotion, Learning and Development. Ein-Fach-Masterstudiengang mit 120 ECTS. http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~letz/informationen-master.shtml, http://www.ifi.lmu.de/studium/master-studiengaenge/master-informatik, www.lmu.de/studium/administratives/pruefungsaemter/naturwissenschaften/, Weiterführendes Studium mit berufsqualifizierendem Abschluss. In addition to the modules in the catalog of elective subjects, you can also choose to concentrate on a practice-led vocational education and training or a research-based profile that incorporates your first research work. The course titles indicate the course language. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt, Dr. Ville Mäkelä Contact: mmi2@um.ifi.lmu.de Hours Per Week: 2 + 2 ECTS-Credits: 6 Module: WP3: Mensch-Maschine Interaktion 2 (für Master Medieninformatik und MCI) Language: Deutsch, Englisch Registration and Access: To get access to the online material and the links to the lectures, please register in Uni2Work with your campus ID. The module Data Ethics and Data Security covers basic legal and ethical questions and challenges of data security. Die Zulassung zum Studium ist durch ein sog. 67 / Zi. Search Degrees and Programs Request Information With this training graduates of the master program will be innovative and responsible academics with excellent career opportunities both in industry and economy as well as in science and research. Description. Die Aufnahme des Studiums setzt die Teilnahme an einem Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren voraus. Students may also pursue a doctoral study in a variety of academic disciplines that require quantitative analysis. Home; Courses; Fakultäten; 11 Fakultät für Psychologie und Pädagogik; Psychologie The program offers a high level of flexibility as regards the selection of your own specialties. If you don't have any basic knowledge in R or want to refresh your knowledge in R, we highly recommend you either self-study or book a separate R basic course from 22.09.2020 – 23.09.2020 at Essential Data Science Training GmbH (LMU Spin-off), which will be available before the beginning of every program. Sprechstunden, Aushänge, Änderungen des Lehrangebots, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenInstitut für InformatikOettingenstr. Im Masterstudium soll die Ausbildung im Fach Informatik vertieft werden. US universities and colleges award bachelor's degrees with "honors" to their best students – usually "cum laude" (with praise), "magna cum laude" (with great praise) and "summa cum laude" (with highest praise). Accepted students must arrive in Munich at the end of September, as there is a two-week orientation session preceding the semester. Die Universität erhebt für das Studentenwerk München den Grundbeitrag in Höhe von 75 Euro sowie den Solidarbeitrag Semesterticket in Höhe von 69,40 Euro. Das Hauptbeurteilungskriterium für die Zulassung ist ein Bachelorzeugnis in Informatik oder einem verwandten Fach; unter Umständen genügt auch ein Transcript of Records im Bachelorstudiengang Informatik mit etwa 150 ECTS-Punkten. The master’s thesis should be 150,000–270,000 characters in length and is worth 24 ECTS. Juli für das darauf folgende Wintersemester). You are not logged in. In the practical modules students will tackle real-world problems in cooperation with industrial partners. This is the module-as-type style. The topic for the master’s thesis should be selected in the beginning of the third study semester. The module comprises two courses. The next technical advance is to make the module itself a type, rather than just a plain encapsulation device.

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